Issues and Policies

My top priorities are Jobs, Schools, Energy, and District Infrastructure.

Alaskans deserve good jobs, ones that motivate them to do their best in school and inspire them to stay in Alaska. Alaska needs to create better pathways for Alaskans to find a career and build their future here. The brain drain has gone on too long. We need to prioritize keeping our talent in Alaska and investing in its potential. By creating a supportive environment, helping existing industries, and developing emerging industries that can offer competitive salaries and benefits, we can ensure that skilled Alaskans remain in these essential roles. We can thrive to support the needs of a growing and diversified economy. Investing in our future is vital if we want to retain workers and build a stronger Alaskan economy. 

Our kids deserve better and should have the best education possible. Investing in our teachers and kids is an investment in our future economy, employees, and young professionals. We have amazing capability and talent in our public school system, at all levels from pre-K to technical training programs, and advanced university research programs. Our goal should be that every Alaskan has the opportunity to grow through those programs into the employees and civic and industry leaders our future Alaska needs to thrive. 

Alaska needs to prioritize energy security and independence to protect Alaska’s future. We need to work quickly to get more renewable energy on board. As our natural gas crisis looms closer, our natural gas resources should be used to heat our homes and safeguard against major increases to our utility bills and a need to import natural gas from out of state. I will work to ensure Alaska remains an energy leader and Alaskans have access to reliable, affordable, and clean energy for future generations. 

Our district is deeply connected to the surrounding Chugach State Park and Chugach Forest and many of our roads are isolated single routes originally carved by a bulldozer. Even today many still have remnants of the original “corduroy roadbed” under them. We must protect our community by addressing the danger of wildfires, providing critical route treatment and development, and supporting residents and businesses that can reduce the vulnerability to the threat of future wildfires. At the same time, we can also invest in the roads and infrastructure needed to accommodate growth while protecting our community’s unique character. 

Let's Build the Future together.

Alaskan Opportunity

  • Imagine an Alaska where every resident has the opportunity to thrive, our economy is diverse and innovative, and our communities are empowered and resilient. My vision for Alaska is one where sustainable development and community empowerment are at the forefront, driving our state toward a prosperous future. Emerging industries, renewable energy, quality education, and robust infrastructure form the backbone of a dynamic and inclusive economy that supports the well-being and prosperity of all Alaskans.

  • Opportunity should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or location. I am dedicated to creating policies that promote equality, support small and emerging new businesses, and enhance community services. These policies will be grounded in the uniqueness of Alaska and developed in consultation and cooperation with Alaskan Native and tribal organizations to create an Alaskan model of indigenous knowledge and ways in conjunction with western approaches to the challenges of climate change, sensitive remote arctic development and opportunities for future generations. We can build a more inclusive, healthy, prosperous, and resilient Alaska by empowering individuals and communities.

  • As a legislator, my role will be focused on transforming this vision into reality. By advocating for policies that support emerging industries, I will help diversify our economy and create new job opportunities that in turn are the engine of supporting our communities and Alaskans. My commitment to enhancing our educational system will ensure that every Alaskan has access to quality education, preparing our youth for the future and creating a skilled workforce. I will work towards securing affordable and reliable energy solutions, strengthening community infrastructure, and promoting equality of opportunity. Together, we can build a future where every Alaskan has the chance to succeed and where our state can prosper sustainably.

Inspiring Education

  • A future Alaska where every student has access to world-class education and training, empowering them to achieve their fullest potential and drive our state's progress.

  • Education is the cornerstone of a thriving society. I am committed to increasing funding for education, starting with pre-K, reducing class sizes, and supporting teachers to ensure that every student has access to quality education. By investing in education, we prepare our youth for future challenges and create a skilled workforce that can drive our economy forward. This also means we need to retain experienced and attract new energized teachers by ensuring they will be adequately compensated, including in retirement.

Energy Security

  • A future of energy produced by, for, and in Alaska with continued innovation in renewables, like solar, wind, and geothermal, along with oil and gas to ensure energy independence, security, and affordability.

  • Energy security and independence is crucial to ensuring Alaskan ways of life as well as a thriving economy that depends on affordable energy and can create jobs and income from advances in energy systems and technologies. I will work to promote energy security in Juneau. Alaskan innovators have the knowledge and training to continue Alaska’s long tradition of being an energy leader and we now have the potential to be an energy technology leader for the world. Alaska should remain an energy exporter and not an importer. We need to support in-state energy production of renewables, and oil and gas guided by investments and new technology to decarbonize our economy and play our part in limiting the damaging potential of climate change. Expansion and integration of energy sources across the state will be necessary to ensure stable rates, reliable service, and energy independence.

Current Economy

  • Alaskans have access to good jobs that allow them to support their families. It is crucial that we foster our economy now for Alaskans to have access to the things we need and to plan for our future.

  • I will work to ensure we create a formula that balances our budget and does not cut our state services. Education, infrastructure, energy, and jobs will be my focus because they will lead us to a stronger economy Alaskans can rely on. My years in economic development have given me skills to work with others in Juneau to build a strong economy. I am committed to ensuring we take steps toward a stronger economy today that promotes growth for our economy now and in the future.

Future Economy

  • A future in Alaska with a resilient and innovative economy that supports sustainable growth and long-term prosperity for all Alaskans. This includes everyone from healthy rural subsistence communities managing sustainable resources, to responsible remote resource development in sensitive arctic locations, to vibrant urban centers with global connections and opportunity.

  • A strong economy is built on a solid foundation of quality places, innovation talent, open networks, and a positive opportunity narrative that blends the strengths of what we already have and what we are inspired to invest in and create. I will advocate for policies that support sustainable economic growth, including infrastructure improvements, business incentives, and job training programs. By focusing on long-term strategies and opportunities oriented for what's best for future generations - rather than short-term fixes - we can ensure a prosperous future for all Alaskans.

Emerging Industries

  • A future Alaska where new ventures and growth-oriented industries flourish, providing diverse job opportunities and economic growth and stability for all residents.

  • Alaska's future depends on its ability to adapt and innovate. By supporting emerging industries such as arctic and outdoors product manufacturing, renewable energy products and services, mariculture, health technologies, advanced data science, and remote logistics, we can create new jobs and reduce our reliance on mature traditional sectors. This diversification will provide stability and growth opportunities for our economy, ensuring that Alaska remains competitive on the global stage.

Local Infrastructure

  • A future Alaska where every community is equipped with robust, modern infrastructure that supports sustainable growth and enhances the quality of life for all residents.

  • Strong local infrastructure is the backbone of thriving communities. I am committed to investing in essential infrastructure projects that will improve transportation, enhance public safety, and provide reliable utilities across Alaska. In House District 9, this includes having roads that support our growth and daily access to jobs and schools, and investments in wildfire mitigation, defensive fuel treatment, and critical routes that support access and egress.  By focusing on these critical infrastructure improvements, we can build a stronger, more connected community that supports the well-being and prosperity of all its residents and reduce the risk of damage from natural events.

I welcome your feedback, additional information you can share, and collaboration on these and other critical issues. As a representative, I want to understand your views, ideas and concerns and bring that to the work done in Juneau.  

Let's build the future together!